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Support Policy

Technical support is available to all customers with licensed Enlighten software. Enlighten is a “software as a service” provider, maintaining the equipment and software which provides your service. Our support team is the primary point of contact for questions about the software service. Our goal is to help your organization get maximum value from Enlighten software. Each time you contact Enlighten, you reach an expert deeply committed to helping your organization’s success.


Email: (preferred) Send a message with a detailed description to the support email address which was provided with the software. The email request automatically creates a new ticket in our help desk system where our entire support team will see the request.

Phone: Contact Enlighten on one of the phone numbers on the contact us page or the support telephone number which was provided with the software. We prefer email submissions which can more easily provide all relevant details.

Enlighten will diagnose problems or issues and make reasonable efforts to a resolution so that the Enlighten software performs as described in the documentation.  Enlighten will review service requests, and may recommend specific organization and process changes to assist. Client organizations are encouraged to establish “First Line Support” for Enlighten software directly to their internal users.

Crisis leadership. Learn more on Enlighten.