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Business Continuity

How Enlighten will enhance your Business Continuity Plan

Problem Statement/Hypothesis: Your entire workforce has to work remotely from tomorrow.

How would you manage through an overnight disruption of your business given:

  1. Decreasing off-shore operations to depend on
  2. Increasing mission-critical volumes
  3. Negatively impacted the quality of your output
  4. Reduced productivity with unengaged teams

Enlighten partners with Managers to offer support with their business continuity plans and work side-by-side with teams on how to retain control during a business disruption. Here are the four key areas we are partnering with businesses to manage in the current climate:


Undertaking business continuity planning is complex. Organisations need to be able adapt quickly and integrate systems and existing platforms to gain a single view of operations. Enlighten has rapid response teams available for immediate remote implementation to gain this view.

The Enlighten Software® is a cloud-based, comprehensive SaaS operational excellence platform that can be seamlessly integrated with any registry, workflow or peripheral systems. It is fully scalable and will suit various business functions.

Wherever teams are dispersed, on or offshore, home or in the office, Managers need robust visibility into their organisations’ key operational metrics to enable proactive decisions and interventions to be made quickly and stay in control.

Business continuity
Business continuity


The shift to remote, decentralised work comes with new challenges and uncertainties. There likely has never been a more critical time to have access to accurate and timely data on operational capacity and workloads. The Enlighten Software® creates one single source of the truth, one common language and consistency throughout the enterprise. At the click of a button, your business will be equipped to understand where capacity exists to undertake business critical activities.

Especially during these disruptive times, Executives can rely on customised dashboards providing insights into the key performance indicators for your business and crucial performance data, whether teams are onshore, offshore, in the office or working remotely. These dashboards will be based on measuring productive outcomes with a balanced scorecard including:

  1. Work in Progress levels in both volume and hours at activity, team and business unit level
  2. Capacity and highlighting the ability to undertake critical activities
  3. Productivity levels of teams and individuals across all locations
  4. Transparency of critical work items and how effectively teams are achieving customer outcomes
  5. Ensuring the quality of work and performance through customisable questionnaires as pulse checks
  6. Customer Satisfaction surveys to ensure customer outcomes are being met
  7. Skills management by activity ensuring the right people perform critical tasks
  8. Knowing where your skill gaps are so you can address training plans
  9. Employee Engagement through checking in with your team


Planning for the unexpected is critical – managing in uncertain times is essential. Organisations must model the effect of changes in business volumes and the availability of staff. Enlighten will support Managers in understanding how to maximise their people’s utilisation in order to:

  1. Increase capacity to focus delivery on critical outcomes
  2. Become proactive to changing SLAs
  3. Prioritise work on hand to elevate pressure of backlog
  4. Load balancing between teams by loaning team members, maximising resource utilisation by moving work where there is capacity regardless of location

Whilst we can’t predict the future, we do bring science in planning on how businesses will react to the changing scenarios.

Business continuity
Business continuity


Connecting workers and the operational expectations to the work at hand to effectively service customers in unusual circumstances is vital. Creating a virtual operating rhythm using Enlighten’s methodology centred around communication is a key foundation in business continuity. Enlighten enables virtual daily huddles focused around meaningful metrics which facilitate Managers to be proactive, balancing critical tasks to meet customer demand whilst engaging their teams, whether that be face-to-face or working remotely.

Feedback loops supported by objective reporting and an inclusive approach to waste identification and reduction are designed to make employees feel like they’re physically connected. The Enlighten Software® dashboard provides this lens of what has been achieved and what is the right outcome for the customer.

Client Testimony

“Throughout Quarter 1 2020, we have multiple events that have caused disruption to our operations in the Philippines and Australia, including extreme weather and pandemic situations. It has been invaluable to have a global view of all of our offices and manage workloads.The ease of having Enlighten available to our staff has meant, regardless of where they are working from we can keep track of both performance and forecast volumes and make the appropriate decisions accordingly.”

Crisis leadership. Learn more on Enlighten.